Deloitte: BTLC#6
Campaign Branding & Identity
Building the Lucky Country #6
What’s over the horizon? Recognising opportunity in uncertainty
The Building the Lucky Country series has been developed to prompt debate and conversations across business, industry associations, government and the media on issues facing the Australian economy. In the sixth edition of our Building the Lucky Country series, we ask ourselves what’s over the horizon? A question frequently asked in an increasingly uncertain world, the answer is more difficult to predict.
Centering the visual motif on the concept of ‘Connect the Dots,’ a storyline emerged, highlighting the significance of ‘The key to moving forward is seeking better and more detailed information about a wider range of possible futures’. This narrative underpinned the development of a compelling report, an interactive conversation guide, an informative animated explainer video, and supporting digital assets. These resources were designed to streamline intricate economic insights, stimulate cross-sector conversations, and maintain a cohesive brand presence online.
Campaign Branding & Identity
Print & Digital Collateral
Video Animation Design
Deloitte Access Economics

Changing mindsets
Using clean lines and adhering to Deloitte’s circular style of imagery a simple yet intriguing hero visual was developed. For supporting graphics and to explore the idea of changing mindsets a set of six ‘join the dot’ visuals were also created. Each visual had a double meaning, the second meaning was revealed once the dots were joined.

reveal the hidden meaning
So that Partners could take their clients through the ideas discussed in the report the ‘Conversation Guides’ were supplied with a white ink pen. This allowed Partners to ‘join the dots’ and reveal the hidden meanings in the visuals.
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